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POSITION: Shooting Guard

HEIGHT: 6'6"

WEIGHT: 205 lbs

SCHOOL/ TEAM: Villanova

CLASS: Senior


*Average size and length for an NBA SG
*Solid frame, stronger than he looks
*Above average athlete who gets above the rim in the open floor
*High IQ
*Nice touch on his finishes around the rim
*Finishes through contact
*Excellent in transition, often starts the break with his defense
*Fills the lanes correctly, can lead the break himself and can finish at the rim or on the perimeter
*Average handle, but has shown improvement
*Doesn't change directions quickly, relies on his first step to get by defender on straight line drives
*Prefers to drive to his off hand and looks to get all the way to the rim
*Good touch on his floater, although he doesn't use it often
*Recognizes an overplaying defender and will cut to the basket
*Shifts  around the perimeter to maintain spacing and open passing lanes to him
*Very good shooter from midrange out to NBA range
*Much better in catch and shoot situations than shooting off the dribble
*Especially lethal when he squares his body or is left open
*High release point on his shot with fairly consistent shot mechanics
*Does have a habit of twisting his body sideways as he jumps but is working it out of his game
*Also, at times, holds the ball too long while shooting
*Can attack closeouts, looks to get all the way to the rim, rarely rips through to the one dribble pull up
*Best in high PNR and PNR on the left side of the floor
*Doesn't run his man into the screen consistently
*Looks for his pull up jumper coming off ball screens more often than not
*Primarily looks for his own shot but has shown flashes of pretty good vision
*Nifty interior passes to bigs on his drives
*Looks to be a little late to see the roll man when coming off ball screens
*Good timing on his PNP passes
*Can drive and kick to shooters on the perimeter
*Finds cross court shooters


*Smart, tough defender that gives multiple efforts

*Can guard both guard positions and some SFs, did a lot of switching and held his own

*Is a bit reactive to jab steps and crossovers but recovers nicely

*Slides his feet well and beats his man to the spot

*Gets a good contest on pull up jumpshots as well as when his man drives to the rim

*Stays on the defenders hip when beat

*Seems to take an extra step towards the ball when playing off ball

*A little slow to closeout because of his positioning off ball

*Recovers well when an opponent attacks his closeout

*Fights through off ball screens to stay with connected to shooters

*Fights through ball screens, competes throughout the possession

*Knows when he should switch, immediately puts a body on the screener/roll man

*Competes when taken to the post but doesn’t have the size to stop bigger players from scoring 

*Attacks the defensive glass, very good rebounder for his size/position


Josh Hart is of the mold of an early 2000s shooting guard. He shoots a lot of mid range jumpers, posts up, and is pretty effective in isolations. He's got good size at 6'6" and is a good 3 point shooter. Hart is a great rebounder at the 2. 


Hart will have to adjust to playing off the ball in the league. I can't see him getting the kind of freedom to isolate in the league  especially early in his career. He's got a long and slow release that might hinder his  efficiency. Hart picks up his dribble way too often in the paint and is really predictable off the dribble. 




Good athlete 

Good size for a 2

Good isolation scorer 

Utilizes mid range

Early 2000s SG

Good three point shooter

Great rebounder at the 2


Slow/ long release 

Shoots a lot of contested jumpers from mid range 

Will he be able to play off the ball?

Picks up his dribble a lot in the paint 


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